- Headache disorders are among the most common disorders of the nervous system in the world.
- It has been estimated that almost half of the adult population have had a headache at least once within the last year.
- Headache disorders, which are characterized by recurrent headache, are associated with personal and societal burdens of pain, disability, damaged quality of life, and financial cost.
- Worldwide, a minority of people with headache disorders are diagnosed appropriately by a health-care provider.
- Headache has been underestimated, under-recognized and under-treated throughout the world.
What are headache disorders?
Headache disorders, characterized by recurrent headache, are among the most common disorders of the nervous system. Headache itself is a painful and disabling feature of a small number of primary headache disorders, namely migraine, tension-type headache, and cluster headache. Headache can also be caused by or occur secondarily to a long list of other conditions, the most common of which is medication-overuse headache.
How common are headache disorders?
Globally, it has been estimated that prevalence among adults of current headache disorder (symptomatic at least once within the last year) is about 50%. Half to three quarters of adults aged 18–65 years in the world have had headache in the last year and, among those individuals, 30% or more have reported migraine. Headache on 15 or more days every month affects 1.7–4% of the world’s adult population. Despite regional variations, headache disorders are a worldwide problem, affecting people of all ages, races, income levels and geographical areas.
Headaches affect just about everyone at some point and they can present themselves in many different ways. Some people only experience pain in one part of their head or behind their eyes, some people experience a pounding sensation inside their whole head, and some people even experience nausea, while others do not.
Even though most headaches aren’t serious and can be treated with pharmacy remedies and lifestyle changes, such as getting more rest and drinking enough fluids, however some of them should be taken seriously. The real causes of headaches are countless; it could be caused by tightness in neck muscles, drug reaction, low or high blood sugar, stress or even just fatigue. There are different types of headaches with different symptoms.
Tension headaches and Sinus headaches are the most common ones as people experience a constant dull, achy feeling either on one side or both sides of the head. Cluster headaches usually doesn’t last long and usually felt on one side of the head behind the eyes. The last type is Migraine Headaches which are the most serious ones of the 3 types as they are intense and throbbing headaches that are often accompanied with pounding headache, nausea, vomiting and light sensitivity.
Even though most people usually rush to drugs once they have a headache which is classified as a Medication-overuse headache (MOH)
- MOH is caused by chronic and excessive use of medication to treat headache.
- MOH is the most common secondary headache disorder.
- It may affect up to 5% of some populations, women more than men.
Chiropractic adjustments are very effective for treating tension headaches, especially headaches that originate in the neck, upper back and shoulders and could help a lot with headaches in a much safer way than drugs. Contact Us Today and Let Us Help You!